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Custom Movesets
Generation 1 Starter
Shiny Mew & Mewtwo
Shiny Dragonite
Indigo Paradox Collection
Master Ball x10
Iron Crown
Exp. Candy XL x10
Legendary Dogs Collection
Shiny Zekrom
Ursaluna Bloodmoon
Iron Boulder
Shiny Ditto
Legendary Regi Collection
Rare Candy x10
Raging Bolt
Shiny Lugia
Gouging Fire
Ability Patch x10
Shiny Zacian & Zamazenta


Buy Pokémon in the game Scarlet & Violet

We offer full customization in Pokémon in Scarlet & Violet. You can choose the tera type, nature, and more. Buy the exact Pokémon you are looking for from thepokestar.com. If you're looking to buy Shiny Pokémon, we have everything you need.

Buy Held Items Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Finding the right item can be challenging. Pokestar offers rare held items in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

Buy Shiny and Legendary Pokémon in Scarlet & Violet

Pokestar offers all shiny and legendary Pokémon. Our shiny Pokémon store provides a wide selection, including rare shiny Pokémon and legendary Pokémon.

Buy 6IV Shiny Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Get 6IV Shiny custom Pokémon from Pokestar.com. You can choose the tera type, nature, ability, and more! Our shiny Pokémon shop ensures you get the exact Pokémon you're looking for.

Buy Pokémon and Items in Pokémon Sword and Shield

We sell all Pokémon in Sword & Shield. You can pick from Shiny Pokémon with any tera type of your choice. We have all items for you to choose. Whether you're looking to buy Shiny Pokémon or other rare items, we have you covered.

Buy Pokémon and Items in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

We sell all Pokémon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. You can pick from Shiny and Legendary Pokémon with any nature of your choice. We have all items for you to choose, making our shiny Pokémon store the best place for all